Phone No: 866 806 2227 / 240 660 0276 || Email: [email protected] || Address: 157 church street New haven CT 06510


1. Pca Training

Please Complete The Pca Training Certification Test.

2. In-service Training

Please Watch The In-service Training Videos And Complete The In-service Training Certification Test.
Please Watch The Elder Abuse Video And Complete The Test That Follows. Good Luck!!!

3. ABI Training

Some services on the ABI Medicaid Waiver Program, such as Companion and Independent Living Skills Trainer, require that you attend an approximately 2.5-hour Allied Community Resources (ACR) sponsored, free informational session on what a brain injury is and how it affects people.

This is part of the application process and is mandatory to be considered for these services. After watching both training videos, each agency employee can click on the link to complete the ABI Basic Informational Session quiz and evaluation form. The quiz is to be completed online and electronically signed. Once submitted, all quizzes get sent directly to the Provider Services department for processing. Just so you know, your agency will be notified of the final outcomes once the processing has been completed.

Log-in information for the ABI training videos : USERNAME: myagency
PASSWORD: Agency6*
Password for the ABI Quizzes: Agency6*

Good Luck!!!